Questions or comments? Don't hesitate to contact us

We hope you found the information you were looking for, but if you still have questions, don't worry - we'll help answer them.

Contact us for a live demo of Orbit, a chat about digitising your business, or with any other issues - big or small - you need our help for.

Talk to you soon!


Orbit Online A/S

Åbogade 25
8200 Århus N


Our users on Orbit

    • Orbit has helped us to a better solution than we could have imagined. Through ongoing advice and guidance from Orbit, we got a platform that suited us.

      Mila Stenbye Vester
      Business Development NCC
    • The 2 factors that were most critical in the end were the more modern design style combined with great features already fitting most of our needs.

      Raphael Fischer
      Application Engineer at SKAN AG
    • We use Orbit on a daily basis to collect, store and manage our employees
      skillsdocumention. Orbit gives a good overview and we can draw diverse data out to our projects and competency checks.

      Lea Zindorff Gram
      Projects at Aarsleff Rail
    • Orbit's competence management solution gives us the best overview. It helps us both in relation to quality assurance, our ISO certification and when we write proposals. It is the only system, we know of, that has an interaction between competences, CVs and references

      Stinna Christensen
      Human Resources at Wicotec Kirkebjerg
    • I just have to say - How cool is the new CV-system. - You need a few words about a given employee, look it up in a flash and move on in your work.

      Developer at NCC