
Welcome to Orbit 7.2

Watch our livestream recording, where René, CEO of Orbit, will show the new features in Orbit 7.2 This recording is a unique opportunity to see how Orbit continues to push the boundaries of how data can be operationalised, to your benefit.


45 minutes



The biggest news in Orbit 7.2

Work files

Attach files directly to tasks to support activities such as compliance or error reporting. This ensures that all relevant documents are available where they are needed, in their latest version. This feature also works in Orbit for Mobile.

Read and change log

Orbit now includes a comprehensive log that records all changes and indicates which users have seen different versions of a file. This ensures full traceability and accountability in document management.

Saved filters

It is now possible to save personal filters to optimise your own workflows and share them with the entire organisation to standardise and streamline overview, workflows and reporting.

Competitor registration

Register competitors, their prices and add comments on sales activities. Get a better overview of the market and adjust your strategies based on your competitor analysis.

Ready to play

Watch or re-watch a walkthrough of the key features from Orbit 7.2.

Even more news in Orbit 7.2

    • Links in the comment section

      Links added in comments are now automatically converted into clickable links. This improves the user experience by making it easier to access and share relevant web resources directly from Orbit.

    • Improved e-mail overview

      Project-related emails have a new design with an improved user interface. Sorting and saved filters are now also available, making it easier to organise and find relevant e-mails quickly.

    • Displaying blocked days

      Annual leave and public holidays are now displayed in the modules for individual and group scheduling. This helps to avoid scheduling conflicts and ensures that no important dates are overlooked during resource allocation.

    • Warning when closing browser

      If you close your browser or a tab with unsaved changes to CVs or references, you will now get a warning. This prevents data loss and ensures that your updates are saved.

    • Filter on employee status

      It is now possible to filter the team by references based on employee status. This makes it possible to only see employees who are currently employed by the company, providing a current and relevant overview of teams that can be used for staffing future tasks.

    • Marking discontinued machines

      You can now mark machines that are no longer in use so that employees can no longer record work on them, while maintaining full historical records. This ensures accurate recording and preservation of important data, making it easier to manage equipment and resources efficiently.

    • Global contact list

      A new area has been added to CRM that offers a global contact list with advanced search, filtering and the ability to save filters. This makes it easier to find and manage contacts efficiently across the organisation.

    • Resource reports

      In Orbit 7.1, the overview of resource consumption on projects per professional group was introduced. In Orbit 7.2 you can now also get detailed reports for phases, activities and tasks. This includes available capacity, total number of activities, tasks, base estimates and registered hours. This provides the project manager with an in-depth overview, which is crucial for punctual project delivery.

    • Filtering in people scheduling

      Tasks can now be filtered based on project type, allowing you to schedule only specific types of tasks, such as production tasks, for an individual. This improves overview and efficiency by focusing on relevant customer-facing tasks.

    • Filtering references

      You can now filter the reference list on your CV based on whether the reference is quality-assured or selected for export. This makes it easier to manage and describe the most relevant and verified references.

    • Entitlements on time registrations

      There are now more options for setting up entitlements on time registrations. This makes it possible to ensure that employees can only see their own registrations, improving data security and enabling sickness and maternity leave registration.

    • Department on CRM contacts

      You can now create departments with addresses in the CRM, allowing the company's contacts to be linked to specific departments. This provides a more structured overview and offers valuable insight into who is in the sales department, purchasing department, finance department, etc.

    • Overlapping tasks

      The system now alerts when an employee is assigned overlapping tasks from different projects that are geographically distant. This helps to avoid logistical challenges and ensure more efficient resource allocation.

    • Probability on competences

      The probability of a sales project being initiated now also affects the planning of tasks on competence groups. This provides a more realistic overview and helps to prioritise resources effectively based on project probability and group capacity.

    • Extended reference overview

      The reference overview now includes multiple filters, allowing you to filter by who last edited, the number of images a reference has, type, and collaborators. This makes it easier to keep track of changes and manage the references more efficiently.

    • Marking discontinued materials

      You can now mark materials that are no longer available so that employees cannot record usage on them, while maintaining full historical records. This ensures accurate recording and preservation of important data and historical overview.

Would you like a personalised review of the update?

The feature list is extensive in this update, and it can seem overwhelming to get the most out of it in your business. This is why we offer the opportunity to book a demo that is customised to your needs.

René Dalsgaard

René Dalsgaard

Orbit Online A/S